
Brainchild and pallet: My name is Vance Villarreal and I want to be as honest as possible with you about wines and wineries all while having some fun. I am an avid wine fan and I caught the “wine bug” back in 2012 when I lived in Monterey California. Since then, I have been educating and tasting my way through wines and wineries all over the country. Of note I only specialize in American made wines.

Why should you listen:  I dare say that I am one of the most well traveled wine tasters within the United States. In the past two years I have logged (yep, I keep detailed notes on every winery/tasting room I have visited) over two hundred individual tastings and counting. My vacation days are spent sipping on the wine trails all across the U.S. and the best part is that I share my findings with you for free. I am well educated when it comes to tasting wine, but I’m smart enough to know there is always much more to learn about what is in the glass.  Most importantly I always speak as honestly and openly as possible about my findings and reviews.